1991Prime Minister (1990-1997)

PMQT Written Answers – 26 February 1991

Below is the text of the written answers relating to Prime Minister’s Question Time from 26th February 1991.




Mr. Harry Greenway : To ask the Prime Minister if he will list his official engagements for Thursday 26 February.

The Prime Minister : This morning I had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others. In addition to my duties in the House I shall be having further meetings later today. This evening I hope to have an audience of Her Majesty the Queen.


Civil Servants

Mr. Dunn : To ask the Prime Minister what was the number of civil servants employed by each Department in 1979, and the number employed in the last year for which figures are available.

The Prime Minister : Information on staff numbers by Department is to be found in summaries of departmental staff returns for 1 April 1979 and 1 October 1990, copies of which have been placed in the statistical section of the House of Commons Library. Table 2 of the Treasury publication “Civil Service Statistics”, 1984 and 1989-90 editions, will assist in tracing machinery of Government changes that have taken place between 1979 and now. Copies of this publication have also been placed in the Library.


The Gulf

Mr. Flynn : To ask the Prime Minister what representations he has received concerning the Gulf war.

The Prime Minister : I have received a substantial number of representations, many supporting the Government’s policy to secure full, immediate and unconditional compliance with the Security Council resolutions.

Mr. Flynn : To ask the Prime Minister what Governments of the allied coalition in the Gulf were contacted by Her Majesty’s Government, and in which sequence, for consultations on the Soviet peace plan for resolving the Gulf conflict before Ministers in the Government issued statements responding to the plan on 19 February.

The Prime Minister : We remain in constant touch with our coalition partners on a wide range of matters relating to the Gulf crisis.