
Sir John Major’s Statement Following the Death of George H.W. Bush – 1 December 2018

The text of the statement made by Sir John Major on Saturday 1 December 2018 following the death of George H.W. Bush, the former President of the United States.

George H.W. Bush was above all else a family man and, for him, the American people were part of that family.

In public office he served as he lived, with compassion, courage, dignity and grace. As President, he saw America’s obligation to the world and honoured it – and he remained committed to public service until the day he died.

I feel privileged to have worked with him, and even more privileged that he became a lifelong friend. He was, quite simply, one of the most deep down decent people I have ever known.

Our hearts go out to his family, but they will take great comfort in the knowledge that their brother, father, grandfather and great-grandfather is now reunited with his beloved wife Barbara, and their daughter Robin.