1983-1987 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Departmental Expenditure – 21 October 1985

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Departmental Expenditure on 21st October 1985.

Mr. Tony Banks Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how much his Department has spent on office furniture, curtains and carpets and office decorating in each of the last five years.

Mr. Major Information in the form requested is not available. Under the property repayment services arrangements introduced in 1983-84, decorations remain the responsibility of the Property Services Agency, which includes a levy for minor works, including decorations, in the accommodation charge to departments. Before 1983-84, supplies, which include furniture, furnishings, cleaning materials, removal costs and similar expenditure were provided by the Property Services Agency as a common service. Expenditure on supplies by the Department for its HQ, central offices and local offices since then was:

Year | £ million

1983-84 | 7,349

1984-85 | 8,448

It is not possible to estimate separately the cost of office furniture, curtains and carpets and office decorating in these years.