1983-1987 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Supplementary Benefit – 16 December 1985

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Supplementary Benefit on 16th December 1985.

Mr. Cohen Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what has been the number of supplementary benefit claimants in Leyton and Leytonstone in each of the past six years.

Mr. Major The London postal districts of Leyton and Leytonstone are covered by the Department’s office at Leytonstone, although the boundaries are not conterminous. The number of people receiving supplementary benefit from that office on 30 July 1985 – the latest available figures – and on comparable dates in the past five years were:

Year | Number

1980 | 6,444

1981 | 7,529

1982 | 8,252

1983 | 8,980

1984 | 9,629

1985 | 10,340

Source: 100 per cent. count of cases in action.