1983-1987 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Unemployment Benefit – 14 April 1986

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Unemployment Benefit on 14th April 1986.

Mr. Marlow Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what studies he carries out into the numbers of persons drawing unemployment benefit who are classed as suitable and competent to obtain available employment but who are not actively seeking to do so.

Mr. Major The Department has not carried out any studies specifically into the extent to which unemployed benefit claimants are actively seeking work but a considerable volume of information on this subject is available from some more general studies. I would draw my hon. Friend’s attention in particular to the report on the DHSS cohort study of unemployed men, “For Richer, For Poorer?” (pages 40 to 43) and to the report on some aspects of the labour force survey (Employment Gazette for October 1985, pages 393 and 396), copies of which are in the Library.