1983-1987 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Mortgage Interest (Benefits) – 22 January 1987

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Mortgage Interest (Benefits) on 22nd January 1987.

Mr. Ralph Howell Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will state the total cost of mortgage interest payments to supplementary benefit recipients for each of the years 1979 to 1986; and if he will show the total number of claimants for each year.

Mr. Major Information is not available in the precise form requested. Mortgage interest payments have been collected as a separate item only since 1983. Cost estimates for previous years are based on owner-occupiers’ residual housing costs (that is after the deduction of rates, water rates, and repairs-insurance) and include an element for ground rent. The information available is as follows:

Year | Claimants | Total Cost (in £ million)
1979 | 98,000 | 31
1980 | 134,000 | 71
1981 | 196,000 | 124
1982 | 235,000 | 170
1983 | 242,000 | (1) 150
1984 | 277,000 | (1) 219
1985 (2)
1986 (2)

(1) Mortgage interest only.
(2) Information not yet available.