1983-1987 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Invalid Care Allowance – 11 March 1987

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Invalid Care Allowance on 11th March 1987.

Mr. George Robertson Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) following his statement of 23 June 1986 on invalid care allowance, Official Report, column 21, if he will state (a) the number of successful invalid care allowance claims to date and (b) the number of unsuccessful invalid care allowance claims to date;
(2) following his statement of 23 June 1986 on invalid care allowance, Official Report, column 21, if he will state the number of invalid care allowance claims received to date.

Mr. Major The latest available information is set out in the table:

Invalid Care Allowance: Claims by Married Women at 27 February 1987

Claims | Number
Received | 106,000
Decided | 53,000
Successful | 40,000
Unsuccessful | 13,000