1983-1987 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Child’s Special Allowance – 14 May 1987

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Child’s Special Allowance on 14th May 1987.

Mr. Kennedy Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many widows claimed the child’s special allowance for the last three years for which this information is available; and if he will give the estimated take-up rate of this benefit.

Mr. Major Child’s special allowance is payable to divorced women in respect of children towards whose support the ex-husband was contributing or was liable to contribute at the time of his death. In the three years immediately preceding 6 April 1987 when the allowance was abolished, except for existing beneficiaries, the number of claims received was:

Year | Number
1984-85 | 135
1985-86 | 152
1986-87 | 146

Given the conditions for entitlement to the allowance it has not been possible to estimate a take-up rate.