Chief Secretary (1987-1989)

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on National Accounts Adjustments – 28 March 1988

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on National Accounts Adjustments on 28th March 1988.

Mr. Gordon Brown To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer if he will break down for “other adjustments” given in table 1:2 of the Financial Statement and Budget Report 1988–89 to show (a) capital consumption, (b) privatisation proceeds not treated as negative general Government expenditure, (c) grants and loans to some public corporations and PTEs, (d) valued added tax refunded, (e) pension increase payments, (f) employers’ statutory sick pay scheme and (g) other.

Mr. Major The outturn figures for national accounts adjustments are given in detail in the public expenditure White Paper each year, see for example Cm 288–1, table 6.4. Annual data for earlier years and quarterly data for the current year are given in “Financial Statistics” table 2.4. Figures for the later years are overall estimates and the individual components would be subject to considerable margins of error.