Chief Secretary (1987-1989)

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Crown Premises – 22 March 1989

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Crown Premises on 22nd March 1989.

Mr. Yeo To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what contributions will be made in lieu of community charges in respect of Crown premises or persons resident in them.

Mr. Major There are two circumstances in which contributions will be made in lieu of community charges in respect of Crown premises or persons resident in them.

First, persons who are resident in Crown property which is designated by the Secretary of State will be exempt from the personal community charge and, in Scotland, the personal community water charge. A contribution in lieu of those charges will be made to the local authority by the relevant Government Department or Crown body, which will recover those charges from the residents concerned.

Second, any contribution in lieu of the standard community charge and, in Scotland, the standard community water charge which would otherwise be payable in respect of premises which are occupied by a Government Department or other Crown body will be made to the local authority by the Government Department or Crown body occupying those premises.