1990Chancellor (1989-1990)

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Income Tax – 5 April 1990

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Income Tax on 5th April 1990.

Mr. Denzil Davies To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what percentage of the individuals who, in the fiscal year 1989–90, were subject to the composite rate tax, would, if the Budget proposals for its abolition had been in force, have paid (a) income tax at the basic rate and (b) no income tax.

Mr. Major About 75 per cent. of individuals with composite rate income would have been liable to pay at least some tax at basic rate, and about 25 per cent. would not have been liable to pay any. Wives with composite rate income have been included as taxpayers or non-taxpayers according to the liability of their husbands.