
PMQT Written Answers – 22 March 1991

Below is the text of the written answers relating to Prime Minister’s Question Time from 22nd March 1991.



Voluntary Bodies

Mr. Paice : To ask the Prime Minister if he will list the total amount paid in grants by Government Departments to voluntary bodies during the financial year 1989-90; and if he will make a statement.

The Prime Minister : Government funding to voluntary organisations in 1989-90 amounted to £2.36 billion. Of this, £1,681 million was payments to housing associations; £204 million was payments under major employment and training schemes; £373 million went to support provision of services and a wide range of activities and projects by a variety of voluntary organisations. The amount spent under individual departmental programmes is as follows :


Agriculture, Fisheries and Food


Education and Science


Youth training scheme

Employment training

Other programmes



Direct grants

Urban programme

Housing corporation

Countryside Commission

Nature Conservancy Council

Rural Development Commission

Sports Council

UK 2000 project grant fund

Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Overseas Development Administration


Direct grants

Health Education Authority

Home Office

Direct grants

Equal Opportunities Commission

Commission for Racial Equality

Lord Chancellor’s Department

Northern Ireland Office

Direct grants

Housing associations and societies

Economic Development Grants:

Action for community employment

Community workshops

Community volunteer schemes

Youth Community project

Youth Help

Sports Council for Northern Ireland

Scottish Office

Direct grants

Urban programme

Housing associations

Countryside Commission for Scotland

Highlands and Island Development Board

Sports Council for Scotland

Social Security

Trade and Industry


Welsh Office

Direct grants

Urban programme

Joint Finance/Care in the Community

Housing associations and societies

Development Board for Rural Wales

Sports Council for Wales

Grand total

Excluding payments under major employment and training schemes and to housing association and societies funding has increased in cash terms by 8.3 per cent. over the level of provision in 1988-89. In the period between 1979-80 and 1989-90 the level of this Government’s support for voluntary bodies has risen by 114 per cent. in real terms.

I am placing in the Library of the House a list of voluntary bodies funded by Government in 1989-90, other than those funded under the youth training scheme and employment training, housing programmes and the urban programme or via non-departmental public bodies.


Security Commissioner (Report)

Mr. Hannam : To ask the Prime Minister when the Commissioner appointed under the Security Service Act 1989 will present his first annual report; and if he will make a statement.

The Prime Minister : A copy of Lord Justice Stuart-Smith’s first annual report, for 1990, has been laid before the House today in accordance with section 4(6) of the Security Service Act 1989. The confidential appendix to the report has been excluded from that copy in accordance with section 4(7) of the 1989 Act. I am grateful to the commissioner for his work in reviewing the issue of warrants and note that he is satisfied that the Secretaries of State have properly exercised their powers under the Act.


Troops (Homecoming)

Mr. Mates : To ask the Prime Minister how the Government intend (a) to mark the safe homecoming of British troops who contributed to the liberation of Kuwait, (b) to pay tribute to those who lost their lives in that cause and (c) to honour those who gave gallant and meritorious service.

The Prime Minister : A service of remembrance and thanksgiving will be held in Glasgow cathedral in the presence of Her Majesty the Queen on Saturday 4 May.

The Lord Mayor and the Corporation of London will host a reception at Guildhall on Friday 21 June for members of British forces. It will be preceded by a march through the City at which Her Majesty the Queen will take the salute.

Her Majesty the Queen has approved the award of a Gulf medal for those who served in the region. She has also agreed that there should be a Gulf honours list, to be published at the end of June, for those who displayed gallantry and gave meritorious service.