1994Prime Minister (1990-1997)

PMQT Written Answers – 27 October 1994

Below is the text of the written answers relating to Prime Minister’s Question Time from 27th October 1994.




Mr. Corbyn: To ask the Prime Minister what plans he has to visit a state-funded children’s nursery.

The Prime Minister: I plan to do so on one of my forthcoming visits around the country.



Sir Peter Tapsell: To ask the Prime Minister if he will list his official engagements for Thursday 27 October.

Mr. Harry Greenway: To ask the Prime Minister if he will list his official engagements for Thursday 27 October.

The Prime Minister: This morning, I presided at a meeting of the Cabinet and had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others. In addition to my duties in the House, I shall be having further meetings later today.


Charter Advisory Panel

Mr. Maclennan: To ask the Prime Minister if he will name the members of his advisory panel on the citizen’s charter and the charter mark assessors.

The Prime Minister: The panel of advisers on the citizen’s charter is made up of people who have been appointed for their expertise in their own particular fields in the private sector. The composition of the panel is currently as follows:

Sir James Blyth–Chairman.

Mrs Angela Heylin.

Neil Johnson Esq.

Dr. Madsen Pirie.

Nick Rawlings Esq.

The right Hon. Baroness Perry.

Lady Judith Wilcox.

A number of retired public servants were appointed to assess applications for the charter mark award. Some of these, together with members of the panel of advisers and staff from the citizens charter unit, were involved in visiting some of the short-listed organisations:

Charter Mark |Panel Members |CCU staff assessors


Alan Grocott |Sir James Blyth |Genie Turton

David Bower |Nick Rawlings |David Paul

John Offord |Lady Judith Wilcox|Charles Ramsden

Jim Brown |Dr. Madsen Pirie |Judith Lempriere

Tom Corrigan |The right Hon. |Chris Matthews

George Georgiades |Baroness Perry |Elizabeth Hunter

Harry Nicol | Johnston

David Dewick |Simon Lawton Smith

Peter Canovan |Aleck Thomson

Vivian Emerson

David Bromley

Dave Keating

Peter Cockram

Peter Summerscale

Ernie Dinn

Peter Selby

Tony Poole

Brian Smith

John MacDonald

Sybil Brown

Margaret Chiverton


Clock Adjustment

Mr. Barry Field: To ask the Prime Minister how many man hours were taken up by adjusting the clocks throughout his office.

The Prime Minister: No precise record is kept of such estimates.