1995Prime Minister (1990-1997)

PMQT Written Answers – 23 January 1995

Below is the text of the written answers relating to Prime Minister’s Question Time from 23rd January 1995.



Nolan Committee

Mrs. Ann Taylor: To ask the Prime Minister if he will place a transcript of each day’s proceedings of the Nolan committee in the Library as it is published.

The Prime Minister: Publication of transcripts of each day’s proceedings is a matter for the Committee on Standards in public life. I understand that copies are available from the company appointed by the committee to prepare its official transcript. The Library can, of course, subscribe to this service.

Mr. Campbell-Savours: To ask the Prime Minister what proposals he has for sanctions to be available in the case of a witness who deliberately misleads the Nolan committee.

The Prime Minister: There is no reason to believe that such circumstances will arise.


Ministerial Meetings

Mr. Campbell-Savours: To ask the Prime Minister whether Ministers have informal meetings on matters of public policy with lobbying groups in the course of meetings which they are attending in a private capacity.

The Prime Minister: Ministers do not hold or attend meetings on matters of public policy in a private capacity.



Mr. Dalyell: To ask the Prime Minister following the letter he has received from Miss Pamela Dix of Woking, secretary of United Kingdom Families of Flight 103 of 21 December 1994, if he will amend his answer to the oral question from the hon. Member for Linlithgow on 15 December 1994, Official Report, column 1068.

The Prime Minister: I refer the hon. Gentleman to the answer I gave to him on 10 January 1995, Official Report, column 20.


Home Ownership

Mr. Nicholas Winterton: To ask the Prime Minister if it remains the policy of Her Majesty’s Government to promote home ownership; and if he will make a statement.

The Prime Minister [holding answer 20 January 1995]: Yes. Owner-occupation in the United Kingdom has risen from just over 54 per cent. in 1979 to over 66 per cent. now. Home ownership is more affordable than for many years. Surveys show that owner-occupation is the preferred housing choice of about 80 per cent. of people. The Government remain fully committed to promoting the continued growth of sustainable home ownership, both by prudent management of the economy and through specific policies to help people become home owners.


Training Courses

Mr. Kirkwood: To ask the Prime Minister if he will list each training and tuition course with a total cost exceeding £5,000 paid for by (a) his Department and (b) his agencies during the last 12 months, showing the title and objectives of each course, the name of the organisations engaged, the total cost of each course, a summary of the responsibilities of staff members taking part and the process for course evaluation by the Department or agency.

Mr. David Hunt: I have been asked to reply.

In the Departments and agencies for which I and my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister have responsibility the information for the calendar year 1994 is as follows:



Title: |The General Management Development Programme

Objectives |To contribute towards achieving results through corporate and executive development.

Organisation |Sundridge Park Business School

Total cost |£37,392.

Number of attendees |6.

Responsibility of attendees |Business and Support Managers in Business Supplies division, HMSO

Evaluation |Verbal feedback and written course appraisals from attendees


Title: |Strategic Management Programme

Objectives |To help senior managers develop their strategic management skills, enabling them to apply these skills in the context of their own organisation.

Organisation |Henley management college

Total cost |£10,516

Number of attendees |1

Responsibility of attendees |Senior managers in HMSO

Evaluation |Verbal feedback and written course appraisal from attendees

No staff attended any other external training and tuition courses in 1994 where total costs for the individual exceeded £5,000.