1995Prime Minister (1990-1997)

Mr Major’s Doorstep Interview in Huntingdon – 29 September 1995

Below is the text of Mr Major’s doorstep interview in Huntingdon on Friday 29th September 1995.


[Question related to Northern Ireland]


The circumstances we have set out about decommissioning are, I think, a statement of the real political position. The reality is that the people in the North and the Unionists in the North – and I do not just mean the Unionist leadership, I mean the Unionists across the board in Northern Ireland – believe it is necessary for there to be some decommissioning before there can be round-table talks.


Have the two recent court rulings against the Government damaged the peace process?


The peace process is entrenched. Anybody who seeks to damage it, anybody who seeks to end the ceasefire which has existed, will have to answer to two very severe audiences.

Firstly, the audience of Irish men and women north and south of the border. They do not want this to end. They want it to carry on and they believe everyone has an obligation to make it carry on. I think they would have to answer to the audience of history, which sees an opportunity here that has not been seen before.

We have heard over the last year repeatedly from Sinn Fein that they are seriously seeking peace. If they are seriously seeking peace, there can be no question of the IRA returning to violence. If there is no question of them returning to violence, then there is no need for them not to make this start on decommissioning their weapons. It is a very straightforward and very easy point for everyone to understand. And I think it is a very important point.


[Question related to the National Grid]


It is clear what the public opinion is on this matter.