1997Prime Minister (1990-1997)

PMQT Written Answers – 13 March 1997

Below is the text of the written answers relating to Prime Minister’s Question Time from 13th March 1997.



Pay Review Bodies

Mr. Bernard Jenkin: To ask the Prime Minister what is the current membership of the public sector pay review bodies.

The Prime Minister: The current membership, with effect from 1 April 1997, is as listed:

Senior salaries review body

Sir Michael Perry CBE (Chairman)

Sir Gordon Hourston

Sir Anthony Wilson

Sir Sydney Lipworth QC

Mrs. Rosemary Day

Ms Patricia Mann

Mr. Mark Sheldon

The Hon. Michael Beloff QC

Professor Sandra Dawson

Mr. David Clayman.

Armed forces pay review body

Sir Gordon Hourston (Chairman)

Mr. Michael Bolton

Mrs. Dorothy Venables

Mr. John Cox OBE

Mr. John Crosby

Vice Admiral Sir Toby Frere KCB (from July 1997)

Sir Gavin Laird CBE

Mrs. Kay Coleman.

Review body on nursing staff, midwives, health visitors and professions allied to medicine

Mr. Bryan Rigby (Chairman)

Miss Anne Mackie OBE

Professor Gillian Raab

Ms Ruth Lea

Mrs. Shelia Gleig

Mrs. Anne Dean

Mr. Lawrence Lyndon Haddon

Mr. Keith Miles.

Review body on doctors and dentists remuneration

Mr. Brandon Gough (Chairman)

Mrs. Carol Hui

Dr. Elizabeth Nelson

Mr. David Penton

Mr. Michael Innes

Mr. Christopher King CBE

Mrs. Beryl Brewer

Mr. Roderick Jackson.

School teachers review body

Mr. Tony Vineall

Mrs. Brigita Amey

Mr. Michael Harding

Mrs. Julia Cuthbetson

Miss Janet Langdon

Mr. Peter Gelding

Mr. Vincent Harris.