1983-1987 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Energy Saving – 6 April 1987

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Energy Saving on 6th April 1987.

Mr. Patrick Thompson Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) what arrangements he has made to ensure his free-phone DHSS service can promote the work of local neighbourhood energy action projects by way of local referrals;
(2) what plans he has to ensure that those claiming severe weather payments can also claim single payments for draught-proofing where the work can be done by local neighbourhood energy action groups.

Mr. Major [pursuant to his reply, 4 March 1987, c. 624–25]: People who ring the Department’s free-phone service are informed of the availability of single payments for draught-proofing materials where appropriate. In addition two leaflets (SB16 and SB17) refer to the availability of such single payments. One of these, entitled “Help with Heating Costs” specifically mentions the work of voluntary organisations in this area.

Whilst there are at present no special arrangements to promote the work of local neighbourhood energy action groups, officials are, in consultation with national charities looking at what might be done in this respect.