1983-1987 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Mr LH Hulley – 26 March 1986

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Mr LH Hulley on 26th March 1986.

Mr. Heddle Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services if he will investigate the reason why the Department of Health and Social Security records division at Newcastle upon Tyne has not yet replied to a letter dated 22 January from Mr. L. H. Hulley of 48 Burnthill Lane, Rugeley requesting details of contributions paid from April 1974 to April 1977.

Mr. Major It is the responsibility of DHSS local office staff to deal with inquiries of this nature. The letter dated 22 January was received by DHSS records branch Newcastle on 24 January and forwarded to the DHSS local office at Cannock to answer. After inquiries were made a reply was issued on 18 March 1986.