1983-1987 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Board and Lodging – 3 February 1987

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Board and Lodging on 3rd February 1987.

Mr. Weetch Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many claimants were living in ordinary board and lodging in Ipswich on the last convenient date when information was available; and how many of these are having to pay more for their accommodation than the upper ceiling laid down by the current regulations.

Mr. Major Information on the number of people in receipt of supplementary benefit and living in ordinary board and lodging accommodation is not available for specific areas of the country. Information, drawn from special returns by local offices, on the number of claimants whose charge fell outside the ordinary board and lodging limit in the board and lodging area which includes Ipswich during the period April to July 1985 is available in a Department of Health and Social Security document “Supplementary Benefit Board and Lodging Allowances, Results of a Special Statistical Exercise (29 April—29 July 1985)”, a copy of which is in the Library.

Mr. Weetch Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services how many claimants living in ordinary board and lodging in Ipswich are 25 years of age or younger.

Mr. Major I regret that the information requested is not collected by individual local offices and could be obtained only at disproportionate cost.