1983-1987 Parliament

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on SERPS (Rights) – 10 April 1987

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on SERPS (Rights) on 10th April 1987.

Mr. McCrindle Asked the Secretary of State for Social Services what arrangements he is making to inform people of the build-up of their rights in the state earnings-related pension scheme.

Mr. Major I am pleased to say that, as promised in our White Paper “Reform of Social Security”, we have launched a new service which will provide people, on request, with a personal statement of the value of their additional pension rights built up in the state earnings-related pension scheme. The statement will also include, where possible, estimates of how much additional pension the person might expect to earn by state pension age if he or she continues earning and remains in SERPS. We hope that this information will be helpful to people who may be considering taking out a personal pension. Application forms for this new service are in leaflet NP38 which can be obtained from the Department’s local offices.