Chief Secretary (1987-1989)

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Housing Expenditure – 20 November 1987

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Housing Expenditure on 20th November 1987.

Mr. McAllion To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what is the projected level of public expenditure on housing for 1987-88 compared with 1979, expressed at current prices.

Mr. Major The table compares the estimated outturn of public expenditure on housing in Great Britain for 1987-88 with the outturn of expenditure for 1978-79 expressed at 1987-88 prices.

Housing Expenditure in Great Britain (in £ million)
Year | Gross Capital | Current (1)
1978-79 (2) | 6,434 | 3,493
1987-88 | 4,704 | 1,524

(1) Figures include Rate Fund Contribution and non-Housing Revenue Account expenditure.
(2) 1987-88 prices using GDP deflator.