Chief Secretary (1987-1989)

Mr Major’s Written Parliamentary Answer on Manufacturing Output – 23 May 1989

Below is the text of Mr Major’s written Parliamentary Answer on Manufacturing Output on 23rd May 1989.

Mr. McLeish To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer what was the index of manufacturing output for each of the standard regions and Wales for each 12-month period from June 1979 to June 1988, inclusive.

Mr. Major [holding answer 19 May 1989]: Information on the standard regions of England is not available; using latest published data, the indices of manufacturing output for Wales are as follows:

Year (1) Wales
1979–80 99.1
1980–81 90.6
1981–82 94.9
1982–83 93.0
1983–84 98.9
1984–85 99.8
1985–86 102.1
1986–87 113.3
1987–88 128.5
1985 = 100, seasonally adjusted.

(1) Averages for the periods 3rd quarter to 2nd quarter.
Source: Welsh Office.