1990Prime Minister (1990-1997)

PMQT Written Answers – 11 December 1990

The text of the written answers relating to Prime Minister’s Question Time from 11th December 1990.



Gulf Crisis

Mr. Dalyell : To ask the Prime Minister whether any disciplinary action is proposed against Brigadier Patrick Cordingley in respect of public statements about potential casualties in the event of resort to a military option in the Gulf.

The Prime Minister : No.


Iraq (Supergun)

Mr. Caborn : To ask the Prime Minister which Government Departments were consulted about the orders for Iraq placed in 1988 by Walter Somers and Forgemasters.

The Prime Minister : In the case of Walter Somers, the Department of Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Defence were involved. For the licence application made by Sheffield Forgemasters only DTI was involved.


Nature Conservation

Mr. Dalyell : To ask the Prime Minister if he will make a statement on the representations he has had from staff of the Nature Conservancy Council in Peterborough and Huntingdon about the break-up of the Nature Conservancy Council.

The Prime Minister [holding answer 10 December 1990] : In my capacity as the Member for Huntingdon, I received several letters and other representations from constituents employed by the Nature Conservancy Council about the planned reorganisation of the council. I have responded to those representations.


Science Policy

Dr. Bray : To ask the Prime Minister if he intends to take the overall responsibility for science policy; if he proposes to chair the Advisory Council on Science and Technology and the Cabinet Committee on Science and Technology; and what arrangements he proposes to make for overall ministerial responsibility for science policy.

The Prime Minister [holding answer 10 December 1990] : My intention is to continue the arrangements set out in the White Paper, “Civil Research and Development” (CM 185) of July 1987. In particular there will be collective ministerial consideration, under my chairmanship, of science and technology policy and priorities and the provision of independent advice from the Advisory Council on Science and Technology (ACOST), chaired by Sir Robin Nicholson FRS.